

I have returned from my wonderful trip to Minnesota...got to see all the great people there, laugh hysterically, and surround myself with yarn, of course! This might be a long post, as I have many exciting things to share.

Okay, so while I was working at Needlework Unlimited on Saturday, I decided that I was going to learn how to crochet. I've always floundered through crochet, but I had never cultivated any proficiency. I bought Sasha Kagan's Crochet Inspiration for, well, inspiration; I thought it would be smart to get a crochet how-to guide as well so I picked up The Crocheter's Companion by Nancy Brown to guide me through technical skills. In addition to knitting/crocheting, NU carries needlepoint supplies so I bought a bunch of Perle 3 cotton to crochet little flowers with. In no time I had a whole bouquet! Crochet is fun! Wooo!

So of course I had lots of travel time to knit, and I got the body of the baby sweater done! In my re-working of the pattern, I might have included a few too many buttonholes...but I'll find cute buttons and nobody will realize they're just a little too close together. It had been my plan all along to come up with a cute edging for the sweater, but THEN I realized I could CROCHET one!!! So I tested a couple hook sizes and the blue sleeve turned out better. This weekend I'll go out and find a nice edging color and buttons and get this sucker done. Just in time to make another....

Kitty loves baby sweaters, balls of yarn, and everything
in general...

And finally, as a Christmas present I was given Charmed Knits by Alison Hansel. It's such a silly book- Harry Potter inspired knits! I'm going to knit the Clock Blanket...you know, the clock that tells where all the family members are...only m
ine will always be resting on "mortal peril". Now I have to pick a project to knit from it!

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