We all have our days.
I hypothesize about this a lot- am I the crazy person here? Most of the time I decide that yes, I am. And I'm okay with it, so I go about my life as a crazy-but-okay-with-it person.
But today, as I look at what I'm wearing, I realize...this borders on too crazy. Check out all the yellow in that picture! I was carrying my ridiculous yellow bag, yellow sandals, drinking my lemon water in a yellow can, and knitting obnoxiously yellow socks. It is kind of a lot of yellow.
The only thing that made me feel better (and took attention away from the blinding sight of my accessories and knitting project) was that, while I was thus attired and occupied, a crazy old man wearing overalls and no shirt boarded the bus carrying only a grill. I felt immediately better: I had been out-crazied!
If you can see it, my newest knitting project is the yellow, picot-edged sock in the forefront of the photo. It's really very cute, if you can see it amongst all the yellow burning your eyes.
Otherwise, my knitting progress in the last few weeks can be seen above. Despondency set in, and even tequila didn't help. You can imagine the depths of my despair.
Thank god for knitting groups and yarn sales! Like I said, the tequila didn't really help the knitting slump...but if I had been alone, I might have resorted to self-destructive behaviors like cleaning a closet out of frustration. So thank you, YAY! knitters, for enduring my whining and trying, with limitless good cheer, to encourage positive progress.
They also found a yarn sale at Knit Around in Ann Arbor, so I went- and got yarn to dye, an insane pattern to start when I'm feeling, well, insane (which is like all the time), and the above book for $5. FIVE DOLLARS. Like seeing the crazier guy on the bus, a book always makes me feel better.
PS: Check out Sleigh Bells. They're loud and awesome. According to NPR (omniscient NPR!) their goal is to "blow up your speakers" for real, and is "one of the loudest live shows of all time." Those might not be exact quotes, but this is: "it's somehow both an aural assault and a piece of pop candy...I recently made the mistake of putting it on at 6:45 a.m., and I don't think they meant for me to do that." Go listen!
I think it's about time for a YAY!Knitting. label :)
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