
Since the first pair got eaten by rocks.

My brother is an avid biker-- fanatical biker-- and needed some mittens to wear during the winter biking season. He has giant nylon blizzard-resistant bike mitts, but he wanted something to wear on a daily basis to and from class. Here is the result!

They look ridiculously silly (to me, at least) sitting on the table, but they fulfill their intended purpose and keep bikers'
hands from freezing.

To explain the title...t
he last pair of biking h
alf-gloves got eaten by gravel and rocks after he fell while wearing them. Luckily, the gloves bore the brunt of the damage and his hands survived. Someday I will tell the sad tale of the orphaned, felted mitten!

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting, are those made so the index and middle finger are held together or is the index finger all alone?
